The Road to Success

It is funny how almost everybody wants to be successful but 85 to 95% of us, are yet to acknowledge the simple fact that the road which leads to success is a very! Very! Very! lonely road and it is only a few can survive it and achieve the greatness of being or becoming successful. The road that leads to success is very lonely, it requires dedication, consistency, focus, determination, humbleness, prayerfulness, and hard work. Success is not a one-day process, it takes time before it comes and that means it requires a lot of patience; did I mention that patience is a virtue. Yes, indeed my dear patience is a virtue.

Some individuals view Success or becoming successful as being able to afford their needs and wants. Some others, on the other hand, see it as being able to live a baby boy and girl lifestyle. Well, in all honesty, none of these answers are wrong because we all view lives from our individual’s eye lens. As for All Martha’s, being successful to us means assisting and developing other human beings into becoming the best version of themselves.
So, I ask you what success or becoming successful means to you?
