Punished by Mother Nature

Mother nature has a funny way of punishing mankind without our notice. She punishes us by bringing our enemies, people who can kill us, and sell us into slavery, by bloodily linking them to us for eternity all in the name of family members and blood relatives. They say that we cannot pick the family to be born into, that’s the truth because mother nature decided to punish us for the sins of Adam and Eve, even before we could have the opportunity to come into the world. Most of our biggest problems, nightmares, and headaches, come from those who were linked to us by mother nature as blood relatives and bloodlines. And. today I have found a way to counter against mother nature by ignoring the unfortunate link she has linked me up with my enemies all in the name of forced “relatives and relations by blood “. I have now set myself free from her punishment. I have now picked my own family through my own will and after carefully, consciously, intentionally, analytically, and considered, all factors, elements, and benefits, which mother nature never gave me. To me, family, blood relations, and relatives are those who I created for myself and out of my own free will, not the one mother nature forced me into by bloodily linking me with people who are willing and ready to sell my soul if given the opportunity. Family members are those we created by ourselves not the one mother nature linked us with.

Two fun facts about Ms. All Martha’s Writers.

1. She is the type of person to take to war when fighting for just cause.

2. She doesn’t promise what she can’t do.

Follow her on all of the social media platforms to find out More.

There is a difference between being Important and Acting Important.  Trying being Important and not Acting Important.

Quote written by Author Chinyere M Udeh.

Sometimes people that are qualified for positions end up not being able to carry out the duties of the position.  Put people who can do the duties not people that are qualified for the position.  Always remember that it is not everyone who qualified for a position can carry out the duties.

Written by Author Chinyere M Udeh.

Never give up your voice for Comfort.

Written by Author Chinyere Udeh

It’s better to have Mr. Understanding than Mr. Right who is always going to be right all the time….
