Hungering for Change

Almost everyone is hungry for change, yet most don’t want to put in the work. It is so easy to talk the talk, but when it’s time to walk the walk, most people never show up. How can you seek change if you are not even willing to participate in the movement? Become the change that you seek first. Why should you expect others to lay down their lives for the good cause of humanity, yet you wouldn’t stand by them during the process, let alone give up your own life so that others could live? Society is so used to saying, “We want justice, ” but only a few of us know that the road to seeking “justice” is a lonely one. It requires a high level of commitment, sacrifice, patience, determination, resilience, prayer, etc. On the road to justice, one might lose something, but will later gain everything and more at the end. Becoming the change we seek will, down the line, facilitate better humans and societies.
