Enemies Within

Those days are far gone when your enemies are far away from you. In today’s world, your enemies are right next to you.  Enemies don’t come in one shape or form, so be mindful of that.  An Enemy within could be your mother, father, siblings, family members, relatives, best friends, husbands, wives, coworkers, and even destiny helpers.  Oh! Yeah, you heard me right, destiny helpers! AKA destiny destroyers. Some enemies within come in the deceptive form of destiny helpers but their mission is to destroy and mislead.

There are three forms of enemies within, the ones you were born with, the ones that were placed in your life without you knowing it, and the ones you unknowingly brought upon yourself.  Be careful of the people to whom you allow entrance. Be mindful of destiny destroyers. Be cautious of strangers entering your life, because each one of them comes with a mission to accomplish.  Also, remember that an enemy within doesn’t come with one face, they all have different faces and one mission to achieve.
