Chinyere M Udeh

Ms. Chinyere Udeh is a first-generation Nigerian American. Her interest in the justice system of the United States drove her into majoring and working in the field of criminal justice. She holds a Master’s degree in Homeland Security with a concentration in Criminal Justice from American Military University, as well as a Bachelor’s degree (Hons) in Criminal Justice and a Certificate in Forensic Investigation from Coppin State University. 

She also holds an Associate’s degree in Law Enforcement and Correctional Administration from Baltimore City Community College. She joined the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Service in 2014 and worked in various sections of the organization, rising to the rank of Correctional Officer II, before leaving the service in 2019.

Ms Udeh is an avid reader and a prolific writer. She is the founder and CEO of All Martha’s Writers LLC, an organization that does business in publishing, editing, ghostwriting, sales, and marketing of books. She has written extensively on contemporary social issues, which she depicts as stories. 

Like any other typical child, some would respond “lawyer, doctor, teacher, police officer, firefighter, or even nurse” when asked what they want to be when they grow up. Some might reply, “I don’t know what I’m going to be when I grow up,” while others would add, “I want to be a parent.” Both responses are valid because only time will tell. When is my turn? I, Was asked what I wanted to do when I grew up, and I replied that I wanted to serve and protect the public. Writing, becoming an international author, and becoming the CEO of a publishing company was never on my radar. But this is the path my life’s treks, turns, heights, and valleys have led me down.

At the age of ten in my home country of Nigeria, I joined the Sisterhood of Girls Guides and advanced to the rank of Guide before transitioning to the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Boys and Girls Scouts. as a bold declaration of who I wanted to be when I grew up. That is where I stayed and advanced to the rank of “Akeelah” before leaving for America. I have kept to my “Scout Promise and Law” to this day because a Scout is a Scout no matter what country you are in or where you relocated to. In Scout, I pledged to the promise? That said, “On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people at all times, and to obey the Scout Law.” According to my ten Scout laws, “a Scout’s honour is to be trusted and loyal to the President of their country, Scouters, employers, and those under them”. They must be helpful to others, a friend to all, and a brother to every other Scout, regardless of country, gender, class, or creed. Kind, gentle, and polite; animal friend; always obeys orders from their parents, patrol leader, or Scout leader. A Scout is cheerful in the face of adversity, thrifty, and finally, clean in thought, word, and deed. “

In addition, as a child in Nigeria, I spent most of my free time watching movies and TV shows about the American justice system, crime scene investigations, US military rescue missions, et cetera. These movies and TV shows increased my desire to serve and protect the public, and I understood the in-depths of my being, that this is who I am. Of course, as they say, an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. The desire to help others was not only mine to possess but to advocate for justice. So in actuality, the spirit of force pre-selected me before I was born; I consider this movement more of a calling than a vocation, and I linked to the individuals who founded it. That should not be a surprise when I claim I come from a long line of combat heroes. I come from a lineage of Nigerian Biafran war heroes who fought between July 6, 1967, and January 15, 1970, in the Nigerian Civil War, commonly known as the Biafra War. Ha, Ha, Ha! I guess I managed to get your attention. Please allow me to elaborate.

Two of my uncles from my father’s family served as Biafran soldiers. One was in the Army, and the other was in the Navy. While my father, on the other hand, was a member of the Biafra military unit known as the “Boys Company”. These are guerilla warfare trained child soldiers with the assignment of disguising into enemies’ territory to gain their trust, learn their military combat strategies, steal their firearms, kill if necessary, and return to the base with the enemies’ weapons and share the information gathered. He advanced to the rank of Nigerian Biafran Colonel after completing multiple high-profile, dangerous operations. My maternal grandfather was a Biafran soldier who led his people into hostile territory without weapons and then vanquished them with his hands. Unfortunately, the Biafran military lost the war against the Nigerian government. The loss of the war by Biafran was due to the Nigerian government utilizing an absolute embargo of food supplies and other basic human necessities strategy to weaken them, which in turn caused three-quarters of children to starve to death.

When my mother was 15 years old, she joined the Girl Guides. A few years later, she switched to the Boys Scouts, and after so much time, she joined the Girls Scouts. She remained in the uniform until age 19 when a marriage proposal knocked on her door, and she jumped at the chance. She had initially dreamed of becoming a police officer. Also, her desire to join the uniform and advance further in the legal system was motivated by her living close to a friendly male police officer and his family. Due to unforeseen circumstances, she was unable to pursue her desire. But after she did return to the force on May 29, 2000, as a “Woman Scout Leader” after having children and till the present. She has served in the uniform for over 27 years now and rose to the rank of District Commissioner of Mbanabo North and South in Awgu Local Government Area, Enugu State, Nigeria. You can see that the adage about the apple not falling far from the tree is a truth.

I was so happy when I started working as a female correctional officer in the State of Maryland, United States of America. I began the voyage of my peaks and valleys, twists and turns. As a correctional officer, my first goal was to serve and protect the public while using it also as a springboard for the next phase of my public safety career. However, life took such a sharp turn for the worse that before I knew it, I was on the verge of losing my job and defending my innocence was my priority. During those awful periods of my life, I refused to give up without a fight because defending my innocence was the only option. Of course, you all already know that I chose the option of defending my innocence because my father never raised a quitter.

During the battle to prove my innocence about who is “wrong vs right,’ one thing led to the other, and I became addicted to writing both during and after the fight. In fact, after losing everything and the life I had worked so hard to build for myself in America on the battlefield, writing became the only thing I had left. Writing became my coping strategy, the only thing I looked forward to and an escape from reality. While protecting and serving the public, the only department that was supposed to protect me and my interests turned around to abuse and oppress me.
(For more details of this story, get a copy of the book titled “Corruption in the Division of Corrections Volume I and II” )

In the midst of what most people would consider the worst time of my life, I made a critical decision not to be like, seen as, or look like what I was going through. I took advantage of my worst situation of going from employed to unemployed, earning nearly $75,000 per year to zero dollars, living and driving expensive cars, sleeping on my father’s couch in his living room, and taking public transportation. I received the gift of writing from God right inside my father’s living room couch shortly after asking Heaven what my next chapter here on earth would be. I sat in the same living room, on top of the couches where I sleep, to write my first four books, “Corruption in the Division of Corrections, Volume I, II, The Un-Told Twin’s Secret, and The Mystery Of A Stolen Virginity.” While still sleeping on the couch, I became an international author! Isn’t it hilarious?

Life handed me lemons, but by God’s Grace, I turned them into lemonade. When life gives you a lemon, don’t complain. Just remember to put some water inside it to turn it into lemonade. Of course, you can drink lemonade and lose weight as well. Indeed, I am happy that most people don’t look like what they’ve been through. Again, for more details of my story, please grab a copy of the book titled “Corruption in the Division of Corrections Volume I and II.”

Thus, that was how I began my writing career. Funny, huh! Stay turn until you hear more details of what motivated me to start a self-publishing business. I made the costly mistake of choosing the wrong publishing house earlier in my writing career; I would not say which one it was. Please do not purchase any of my books that still have the old covers. I beg of you all. The reason is that even though I left the company years ago and instructed them to discontinue book distribution. Unfortunately, the publishing company is still selling my books illegally. Their lack of honesty and integrity was the primary factor in my decision to leave them in the first place.

 After the alleged claim by the company for unpublishing the books, I went further and spent nearly $1500 to get new book cover designs, ISBNs, US copyrights, et cetera. During this time, I was losing money. Then, I prayed to God on one faithful Sunday evening before going into the shower and asked him to show me the way forward with my writing career. After saying the prayers and upon entering the bathroom, my mind told me to establish a start-up publishing company and should call it “All Martha’s Writers LLC.” After showering, a force I could not explain led me to my computer and directed me to a company website that assists individuals in starting their businesses. When I called them, they told me that the cost of registering an LLC is ($750) and without further delay, I paid. They also promised to help me obtain all the necessary licenses in Maryland. Roughly four weeks after payment! “All Martha’s Writers LLC” was registered as a corporate entity.

All Martha’s Writers LLC Publishing Company is here to stay and do business come rain or shine. My negative experiences on the way here have increased my appreciation for honesty and integrity. And that is what we have here at All Martha’s Writers; our drive and commitment to do the right thing even when no one is looking have set us apart from the rest of the publishing companies. We do not promise clients services we would not be able to deliver. Such acts go against our ethical, professional, and company policy and procedure.

So, Ladies and gentlemen, that’s a quick rundown of who I am and how I arrived here. One thing is for sure; my journey was not easy, with its peaks and valleys, twists and turns, but the good news is that I survived and made it to the other side, and so you can.

 I am not sure who you are or who needs to hear this, but what I want you to know today is that the twists and turns, peaks, and valleys you are experiencing right now are here to teach you things about life. What you are going through will only make you stronger if you do not allow it to break or change who you are on a soul level. Get up and clean yourself up because it will all be over before you know it. Hey! Yes! You! I’m talking to you; keep your head up; you’re stronger than your twists and turns. At the end of the turner, there is always a bright light.

Permit me to conclude the peaks and valleys, twists and turns, and journey of my life that has led me here today with my favourite poem, written by Maya Angelou and titled “Still I Rise, Still I Rise.”

  1. “You may write me down in history
  2. With your bitter, twisted lies,
  3. You may tread me in the very dirt
  4. But still, like dust, I’ll rise.
  5. Does my sassiness upset you?
  6. Why are you beset with gloom?
  7. Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells
  8. Pumping in my living room.
  9. Just like moons and Like, suns,
  10. With the certainty of tides,
  11. Just like hopes springing high,
  12. Still, I’ll rise.
  13. Did you want to see me broken?
  14. Bowed head and lowered eyes?
  15. Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
  16. Weakened by my soulful cries?
  17. Does my haughtiness offend you?
  18. Don’t you take it awful hard
  19. Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines.
  20. Diggin’ in my own backyard.
  21. You may shoot me with your words,
  22. You may cut me with your eyes,
  23. You may kill me with your hatefulness,
  24. But still, like air, I’ll rise.
  25. Does my sexiness upset you?
  26. Does it come as a surprise
  27. That I dance like I’ve got diamonds
  28. At the meeting of my thighs?
  29. Out of the huts of history’s shame
  30. I rise
  31. Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
  32. I rise
  33. I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
  34. Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
  35. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
  36. I rise
  37. Into a wondrously clear daybreak
  38. I rise
  39. Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave me,
  40. I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
  41. I rise
  42. rise
  43. I rise (Angelou, 1978).


As a little girl, Ms. Udeh’s dream and aspiration are to serve and protect the public.

There is a saying that a dream becomes a goal when action is taken. Passionate about serving and protecting the public, Ms. Udeh joined the scout movement at a very tender age in her home country, Nigeria, before moving to the United States.

Of course, the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Her interest in the justice system of the United States drove her to major in and work in the field of criminal justice, where she has done exceptionally well.

Yes, dreams do come true!

Writing, becoming an international author, and becoming the CEO of a publishing firm are the paths life led her to.


As a child, Ms. Udeh spent most of her free time watching movies and TV shows about the American justice system, crime scenes, investigations, US military rescue missions, et cetera. These movies and TV shows increased her passion to serve and protect the public.


Miss Chinyere Udeh holds a Master’s in Homeland Security with a concentration in Criminal Justice from American Military University.

Also, she holds a bachelor’s degree (Hons) in criminal justice and a certificate in forensic investigation from Coppin State University.

She also holds an Associate in Law Enforcement and Correctional Administration from Baltimore City Community College.

Professional Body Membership

Ms. Udeh belongs to several national and international professional bodies in her areas of specialization and fields of interest. They include:

  1. The American Military University Chapter of the Society for Collegiate Leadership and Achievement.
  2. The American Military University Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society.
  3. The West Virginia Lota Chapter of the Pi Gamma National Honor Society for the Social Sciences.
  4. The African American Learning, Inclusion, and Guidance Network.
  5. The Society for Defense and Strategic Studies Club.

Professional job Experiences

Ms Udeh joined the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) in the state of Maryland in January 2014 and worked in different sections of the departments, then advanced to the rank of Correctional Officer ll. She left the Department of Public Safety in June 2019.

Shortly after that, she became the clinical case manager at the New Place of Recovery Treatment Center in Maryland, USA.

Ms. Chinyere Udeh later worked in various armed security supervisory positions before the opportunity to work with the Federal Government came up, and she took that opportunity with her two hands.  As of early this year, Ms. Udeh resigned as a federal investigator and turned in her badge.  It’s currently unknown what Ms. Udeh’s career is as of now, but she is known to still work in the security-related career path.

How it started

Writing is a passion Ms. Udeh developed when it seemed all hope was lost in her life.

She had lost a job and was seeking justice at this time. She went from having everything she wanted to nothing. Writing was her only comfort at this time.

In the midst of what most people would consider the worst time of her life, she made a critical decision not to be like, seen as, or look like what she was going through. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, she decided to make use of her God-given skill, writing. Her ability to tell her side of the story through writing became the light at the end of the tunnel.

She called to God for help and heaven helped her start a new chapter in her life. She went ahead and wrote her first four books.

# Corruption in the Division, Vol. 1 and 2

# The Untold Twin’s Secret and

# The Mystery of a Stolen Virginity.

Her determination and resilience paved the way for a breakthrough and she became an international author.

She has since written other books and many more are still on the way.

Indeed, life gave Ms. Udeh a lemon, but she made lemonade and triumphed.

The Birth of All Martha’s Writers, LLC

Ms. Udeh’s early experience with a publishing company marked by a lack of honesty and integrity strained her relationship with them, leading her to part ways. Despite her departure, the company continued to sell her books without her consent, prompting Ms. Udeh to redesign covers, obtain new ISBNs, and secure copyrights, resulting in significant financial loss. During this challenging period, she sought divine guidance to elevate her writing career. Inspired by her faith, she founded her publishing firm, All Martha’s Writers LLC.

All Martha’s Writers LLC is a registered corporate entity. Ms. Udeh’s unwavering commitment to integrity, even in the absence of oversight, distinguishes her company from other publishing firms.

At All Martha’s Writers LLC, we uphold the highest ethical and professional standards. We never make promises we cannot fulfil, as doing so would violate our company’s principles and policies.

Our Founder

Ms. Udeh is an avid reader and a prolific writer. As the founder and CEO of All Martha’s Writers LLC, she leads a dynamic organization specializing in publishing, editing, ghostwriting, and the sales and marketing of books. Her extensive writings on contemporary social issues are thoughtfully portrayed through compelling stories.

Some of her works include:

1: A Walk for Justice

2: The Untold Twins Secret.

3: Santa Claus Goes to Jail

4: When the Law Goes to Sleep

5 Corruption in the Division of Corrections, Vol.

6: The Mystery of a Stolen Virginity

6: Corruption in the Division of Corrections, Vol. II

7: The Last Call from Heaven

8: Guilty or Not Guilty

9: Corruption in the Field of Corrections, Vol. III

10 Corruption in the Division of Corrections, Volume IV

11: Corruption in the Division of Corrections, Volume V

Books Written by Ms Udeh include

  1. “A Walk for Justice,” Series One, January 9, 2023
  2. “The Untold Twins’ Secret” (January 27, 2021)
  3. “Santa Claus Goes to Jail” (June 22, 2023)
  4. “When the Law Goes to Sleep” (January 27, 2021)
  5. “Corruption in the Division of Corrections”—January 3, 2021
  6. “The Mystery of a Stolen Virginity” (January 27, 2021)
  7. “Corruption in the Division of Corrections, Vol. II,” February 1, 2021
  8. “The Last Call from Heaven” (April 11, 2022)
  9. “Guilty or Not Guilty” (March 25, 2022)
  10. “Corruption in the Division of Corrections, Vol. III” (June 20, 2023)
  11. “Corruption in the Division of Corrections, Vol. IV, January 7th, 2024.
  12. “Corruption in the Division of Corrections, Vol. V, January 7th 2024


Miss Chinyere Udeh, the amiable CEO of All Martha’s Writers, was born in Enugu State, located in the southeast geopolitical zone of Nigeria.

Miss Udeh is the youngest of four children born to Mr. and Mrs. Udeh. A family-oriented individual, she loves her family deeply. Despite being the youngest, she is passionately devoted to her family, showing kindness and care to all. She has a special bond with her father, earning her the affectionate title of “daddy’s girl.” Her family reciprocates her affection and is immensely proud of her.


Miss Udeh attended Queens School Enugu and Lady Ibiam Secondary School before moving to the United States. She completed her high school education at Owings Mills High School in Maryland. Known for her brilliance and hard work, Miss Udeh excelled academically and consistently achieved outstanding performance in her studies. After high school, she pursued a university education in law enforcement.


Raised in a Catholic home, Miss Udeh and her family attended Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church. She developed a deep love for God and was a devoted Christian. Miss Udeh was an active member of the Children’s Block Rosary and the Legion of Mary prayer group.


Miss Udeh joined the Girls Guide at the age of 8, where she was promoted to the rank of Guide. She then joined the Boy Scouts, becoming the first Girl Scout in her district. Rising to the rank of Akela, a symbol of wisdom, authority, and leadership, she demonstrated her commitment and leadership skills before relocating to the United States.


Before moving to the United States, Miss Chinyere Udeh, affectionately known as “Chibaby” by her friends, maintained warm and endearing relationships with her peers, who adored her. Her jovial nature and genuine care for her friends made her a cherished companion. Valuing friendship deeply, she consistently went out of her way to support and nurture her friends. Despite the many years since she left Nigeria, she has remained close to the friends she made there, a testament to the purity and sincerity of her heart.

Some other qualities of our amazing CEO












Full Meaning of Chinyere Udeh

  1. Charming

H: Hearty

I: Integrity

N – Noble

Y-ever Ever YOUNG at Heart

E: Empathetic

R: Resolute

E: Endearing

U: Unique

  1. Delightful
  2. Eloquent
  3. Honest

Some of her works include:

Ms. Udeh joined the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Service (DPSCS) in the state of Maryland in January 2014 and worked in different sections of the departments, then advanced to the rank of Correctional Officer II. She left the Department of Public Safety in June 2019 and is currently the clinical case manager at the New Place of Recovery Treatment Center in Maryland, USA.

Creative writing comes naturally to Ms Udeh, but it was not until after her stint with the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services that this latent gift came into full expression. Her experience in service and the discomforting circumstances surrounding her exit from the Department motivated her to pen her first two works (Books): Corruption in the Field of Corrections 1 and 11. They are both autobiographies. Two of her other books: When the Law Goes to Sleep; and Guilty or Not Guilty, were also influenced by her professional background and exposure to work in the American Criminal Justice System.

Ms. Udeh is one of the African Americans who has had extensive exposure to both their African culture and the American way of life. These attributes are reflected in some of her writings, such as The Untold Twins Secrets, The Mystery of Stolen Virginity, and her latest work, A Walk for Justice, Series 1

Ms. Udeh belongs to several national and international professional bodies in her areas of specialization and fields of interest. Such bodies are:

  1. The American Military University Chapter of the Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement.
  2. The American Military University Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society.
  3. The West Virginia Lota Chapter of Pi Gamma National Honor Society for the Social Sciences.
  4. The African American Learning, Inclusion, and Guidance Network.
  5. The Society for Defense and Strategic Studies Club.
