
This write up is dedicated to a special someone in my life who just lost someone important in his life. Also, it is dedicated to anyone who has lost someone in the past, present, or in the process of losing someone. Whoever you are, and wherever you are, I want you to know this today.


Death is a price that we all have to pay, and the only debt we owe death is to die one day. Last year it was her’s to pay, today it was his’s to pay, and tomorrow might be either you or me. How are we preparing to exit out of this earth? Is one question we all should be asking ourselves. Are we all prepared to leave this earth? Is yet another question to ask. And to give my own answer, yes, I am ready to leave this wicked world, but I still have much more work to do here. But what about you? And you? Are you ready? When our days here are over,, what we have, who we are, our social status, the kind of job we have, economic status, and social affiliations, wouldn’t matter anymore. The only thing that counts and matters is the imprint we left here, lives that we have touched whether negative or positive, impact we have made on the world, and our divine purpose of why we were sent on earth.

Death and the spirit of death comes like a thief in the night, when he knocks at your door and you mistakenly or willingly open it, are you ready to go? Have you started the purpose that brought you here on Earth? Have you done enough good that could grant you an everlasting life? Think! My brothers think! My sisters think! Earth is not our home, but a preparation ground for Life everlasting. Death is the price we all have to pay at some point in our life. He has paid his, she has paid hers, now it is you and I that are left to pay ours.
