Dear Pride

Hey! Dear pride, may I have a word with you? I have so many questions to ask you. I would like to start off my question by asking you, how did you do it? How are you able to turn children against their parents? Husbands against their wives? Wives against their Husbands? You have been the leading cause of humans going against each other, and countries going to war against others, and against themselves. Even Kings have mistreated their subjects because of you; great Kings have lost their power and respect because of you pride. The world is now filled with the blood of innocent people, helplessness, and hopelessness have become the topic of the day all in the name of you. Mankind has abandoned its morals, integrity, humility, values, accountabilities, and innocence, in the pursuit of its pride.

We hear more of, do you know who I am? I made you what you are today, rather than we helped each other to grow and evolve. Even the greatest men and great heroes in history, have fallen because of you pride. There is generally say, that said that pride comes first before a man’s downfall and that pride kills men faster than an illness. Why is that? Even God opposed you pride, in the Holy Bible of 1 Peter 5:5, he said “young men, in the same way, be submissive to those who are older. So, I ask you this last question dear pride, what kingdom did you originate from? And who sent you here to destroy us with our own hands? Pride! Pride! Pride! How many times have I called you?
