Returning to Old School

On one summer day, I decided to pay a visit to my past and walk down the memory lane of my high school once again. With a free schedule and time on my hands, I decided to pick up a teaching job that would enable me to teach at any school of my choice. I chose my former high school, as I drove into the school parking lot and upon getting out of the car and looking around. I saw that the building was just the same, then I proceeded to walk inside the school only to find out again that the main office, the paints, walls, smells, and old pictures were all the same. The only thing that wasn’t the same was the students. As I walked down the hallway after getting my assigned class from the main office, I looked to my left-hand side and saw locker 107E. Oh! That’s my locker, I walked over and stood beside it while looking down the hallway.

My mind went into the remembering mode, shortly I heard three women and a man asking, is this Ms. Ashley? I quickly came back into reality only to realize that those teachers were my former English teachers. Oh! My gosh, look at you! One of them screamed with joy. I walked up and greeted them, oh! My goodness, how long has it been? They asked. “13 years ” I answered. “Wow! Such a long time”, one of them said. Then, another asked, “What brought you to our school? What have you been doing with yourself? How is life treating you?” “So, after you left us, were you able to attend a university?” Another one asked. “What kind of job do you do now?” Another one asked. Every one of them was so excited to get an update about me, because deep inside of them, they believed that 13 years is such a long time for me not to have accomplished anything. By the time I finished answering their questions, it was already time for me to start teaching my first-period class. Throughout the day, I walked down the hallway of my high school remembering the memories I had left behind 13 years ago.
